I bought a pressure canner in 2020 but I only used it once to can some salmon I was given. I grew up with a mom who did water bath canning so I learned how to can tomatoes and peaches and other acidic foods. But I had never done pressure canning and I have found it rather intimidating. So I … [Read more...]
GAPS Diet Story – Chris Feuille
Chris and his wife Anna run the website WBKitchen making and selling GAPS legal snacks. He spent several years on the GAPS diet and found great healing for his digestive issues. 1. How long have you been on the GAPS diet? I have been on the GAPS diet since right after Thanksgiving in … [Read more...]
GAPS Diet Story – Becky
Becky is someone I knew for most of her growing up years but then as a young adult I was not closely involved in her life. So I did not know about her ongoing health issues and challenges. About a year ago I spent some time with her parents and her mother mentioned to me that her daughter was thinking of some … [Read more...]
GAPS Diet Story – Ily
Ily has been 3 years on the GAPS diet and found healing from eczema, IBS, and Sjogren's, and significantly reduced his symptoms of Raynauds' Syndrome. The photo is a picture of his cat who has not been on the GAPS diet but none the less seems to be quite healthy. 1. How long have you been on the GAPS … [Read more...]
GAPS Diet Story – Liana
This story is near and dear to my heart because it is our family's story and more specifically that of my lovely 16 year old daughter. After a year on GAPS and 2 years gluten free, she is thriving and healthy. ( For more on the GAPS diet see my page with links to all the articles I have written on it.) This … [Read more...]
GAPS Diet Stories – June
Water melon cake with fruit kabobs - a GAPS legal Birthday cake 1. How long have you been on the GAPS diet? 13 months 2. What was going on that made you decide to pursue the diet? My son has Aspergers Syndrome. He is now 8.5 years old. He had been GFCF (Gluten Free, Casein Free) for a bit over a year … [Read more...]