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Kim S. and her son David shared their story with me recently. Kim has figured out some things with histamines which can be a very tricky thing to navigate if you are on the GAPS diet for awhile. Pay particular attention to some of what she learned going through this with her teenage son.
I chose an oak tree for this picture because once again we have a committed and hardworking mama who is fighting for the health of her child. She stood the test and has seen healing come which reminded me of the stability and strength of an oak tree.
Image from Tom Burke
Kim and David’s Story
Three years ago (2010) I went on a low fat vegan diet because I was convinced that it was the healthiest way to eat. It had been the only way I could maintain a proper weight during my adult life and I had eaten that way on and off for years. My son David decided on his own to go vegan too, even forgoing his beloved goat milk and we ended up selling our goats. This was a terrible mistake and I regret it so much. I now realize that the reason this low fat vegan diet helps people is because it gets them off vegetable oils and sugar and we do need natural fats from animals to be healthy.
After about 8 months on the vegan diet David started having one cold after another and he was on antibiotics several times for secondary infections. Later on we learned that he also had mono about 3 months into this series of colds. In June of that year (2 years ago- 2011) David became extremely tired all the time and in July I took him to a doctor who said he had a sinus infection and put him on another very strong antibiotic for 3 weeks, but it didn’t help. He was very tired and slept much of the time.
In September 2011 we realized that he was reacting to bread so we put him on a gluten free diet and it seemed to help a little, but now I think that he was actually just getting over the mono. He started reacting to more and more foods and we had him tested at the end of December and found that he was developing Igg reactions to all the high protein foods (it was the eggs in the bread he was reacting to, not the gluten) he was eating on a regular basis so I started rotating his proteins. I was giving him 500 mg of niacinamide and vitamin c twice a day because it helped with the food reactions,(something we had discovered helped my husband with his asthma). I realized that he must have a candida overgrowth causing his leaky gut and food allergies, which he had never had before and I started giving him some natural products to try to help, A friend gave me a CD with a lecture by Dr. Campbell-McBride about GAPS, but I wasn’t ready for it until the following July (2012) when I finally decided to give GAPS a try. Within about a week he was feeling somewhat better, but he was still having a great deal of fatigue.
In late September we found out that my husband has the A1298C MTHFR gene mutation so we had David tested and discovered that he has the C677T mutation (which I must also have, although I haven’t been tested). (At the same time he tested positive for high levels of candida albicans, even though he was on GAPS.) So David started on 5 mg a day of methylfolate and he was soon feeling quite a bit less tired. He was feeling better and better and I stopped making sauerkraut but he was still eating full GAPS.
In late December 2012 I decided it was time to try adding in potatoes and my homemade sour dough bread and he seemed to be doing fine for a few weeks. Then I noticed that he was gradually getting worse. I decided to put him back on GAPS and within 24 hours he went into a deep depression. After a few days, I realized that the gut dysbiosis was giving him depression. Around this time I discovered that very large doses of vitamin C (nearly to bowel tolerance which is when you get diarrhea from the vitamin C) helps relieve the depression. When I started him on the sauerkraut again he became worse within 3 hours and during this phase he would often go from feeling not too bad, to feeling depressed, to feeling not too bad again a couple of times a day as I kept trying to give him enough vitamin C to ward off his symptoms. When his symptoms were very bad he was almost catatonic, lying in bed staring at the ceiling, and I would give him about 20 grams of C and in half an hour he would get up and do something. But the C only brought him up a certain amount so if he was bad it brought him up to middling, if he was middling, it brought him up to feeling comparatively good. Finally he was able to gradually work up to about 1 cup of kraut a day, and he was feeling a lot better, but still not really completely well.
I tried again to introduce potatoes and bread in May with the same results as before so we started GAPS again with a determination not to go off for a year after symptoms are resolved as Dr. Campbell-McBride says to do. (But he did try going off a little again, as you will see). This time we went through the steps again with the yogurt and working up the amount of kraut and after about 6 weeks I started him on BioKult (a probiotic) again with a lot of die off and we worked up to 8 capsules and I was waiting and waiting for him to get over the die off but he never seemed to get beyond a certain point. He was a lot better, but still feeling somewhat depressed, and I still had to give him lots of vitamin c. Then one day my schedule was incredibly hectic and I never gave him any sauerkraut. The next day he was feeling great!
Histamine Breakthrough
I finally took a look at the thread that was going in the Yahoo GAPS group about GAPS and histamine and came to the realization after some research that his depression is actually caused by high histamine levels, which explains why the vitamin C was helping so much, because it breaks down histamine or increases the effectiveness of the DAO enzyme that breaks down histamine. In my research I discovered that candida causes the mast cells to release more histamine, raising the histamine levels in the body. The reason that David still wasn’t feeling well was that he was eating the sauerkraut, which is very high in histamine. He tried eating just a small amount of kraut, but that still gave him symptoms so now he is off vegetable ferments, which is what Dr. Campbell-McBride recommends in her online FAQ for people with sensitivity to histamine. Later he should heal enough to begin the vegetable ferments again.
We had read that raw milk has the enzymes needed for digestion in it so we decided to give the raw goats milk a try recently (we have goats again),but his symptoms were worse again so we know David has to stick strictly to GAPS until the dysbiosis is under control. Recently, I decided to see if quercetin would help, since it had been mentioned by another poster in the GAPS group and David was back to normal when I would have expected it to take another day to get over the milk drinking setback due to past experience. Quercetin suppresses the release of histamine from the cells, so it may be working as an antidote to the toxin that the candida uses to cause the release of histamine from the mast cells.
It’s interesting that depression is almost the only symptom that David gets from the histamine. He told me that he felt somewhat uneasy in addition to the depression, but he has not had trouble sleeping or any of the other symptoms that are commonly reported as being associated with high histamine. I haven’t seen any websites that say that histamine can cause plain depression, just depression with hyperactivity or anxiety or difficulty sleeping, etc., so I think there may be a lot of people out there suffering from depression from histamine that won’t make the connection,
Some weeks have passed since I wrote the above and during this time I have discovered that the body can get rid of histamine if you support the two pathways to do that: The DAO and HNMT pathways.
The histamine N-methyltransferase pathway uses SAMe to donate a methyl group to get rid of histamine, which is why adding the methyl folate was so helpful as it helped him make more SAMe. If you histamine levels are fluctuating between day and night time amounts, the SAMe levels out to something in between the two. This means the more your histamine production fluctuates, the more excess histamine you will have during the day. Supporting the methylation cycle (as we did) won’t change anything about it. But supporting the DAO pathway will help greatly. DAO coenzymes are copper, B6 and vitamin C. But it is also important to support the next step of the pathway, which is aldehyde dehydrogenase, the product of DAO, which is an aldehyde. It will build up in the body and cause a feedback loop stopping the production of DAO. So you must have enough of the cofactors for aldehyde dehydrogenase alsom which are niacin and magnesium. You can supplement niacinamide instead of niacin unless you need more than 3 or 4 grams a day. Niacin will give you a flush but at the higher doses after a while the flush goes away and you no longer have it.
So in order to get rid of excess histamine in the body you have to have enough B6, niacin, vitamin C, magnesium, B12, folate, and copper (although most people don’t have to supplement extra copper).
Now that David is feeling well for the first time in over 2 years I hope he will be able to get on with his life and his love of music. As a classical piano student this illness has really set him back and the past 8 months with all the depression he has had to take a sabbatical from piano lessons and he even lost most of his interest not only in piano but in pretty much everything else, too. But now the sparkle is back in his life and he is making plans again! Praise God for that!
(Update comment from Kim in the comments section clarifying a bit more of the information above and with an update on his health since this was published,)
Excellent article!!!! I love the things she was able to learn about her family :).
I actually have the MTHFR mutation, too. But NOT high histamine. Weird, right? Everyone’s so different.
Yes I was impressed to with what Kim was able to figure out. I think this article has the potential to be very helpful to others stuck in the histamine issue.
So did you increase the B6, Niacin, C, B12 and folate for a while and if so what did you use?
Is he only needing the potassium iodide with his meals now to handle the histamine? Does he do fermented veggies anymore.
I have a histamine issue and did niacin today and had a terrible flush reaction! It was 500 mg I think. oops.
any further information or specifics would be great to have.
What did you find worked the best of all the above situations. I don’t want to waste time trying the wrong thing.
Since the time I added the last part of the article, I have learned a lot more that I would like to share now. If you don’t want to read a bunch of more technical stuff you can just read the last 2 paragraphs before the P.S.
What was continually happening is that I would find something that would help, but it would only help for 2 or 3 days. I think this is because his body kept adjusting his neurotransmitters, but I won’t go into that here, because it is secondary.
It finally dawned on my that perhaps the root cause of David’s problems was actually a magnesium deficiency! I had found that the niacin didn’t work very well without magnesium, but it didn’t occur to me that perhaps it was really the magnesium that he needed and not the niacin.
Here is a very important point: When you have several participants in a chemical reaction, and you don’t have enough of one of them, then increasing the concentration of another one of the participants will enable the reaction to produce the same amount of the product as it did when it had enough of all three. That’s probably pretty confusing when I say it that way, so I will relate it to David’s problem.
According to my current theory of his problem, his troubles probably began way back when he was 5 years old and we moved into a house that had a water softener. A water softener removes most of the magnesium an calcium that is in the water. After about 2 years in that house some of the other family members started one by one getting symptoms that I now think are due to magnesium deficiency, but David did not get any symptoms. Then we moved into our current house which has a water neutralizer that at the time had magnesium oxide as the neutralizing chemical. We all did great for about 6 months and one of our older son’s who had gotten schizophrenia while we lived in the house with the softener mysteriously got well after a few months and stayed well for several more months. Unfortunately, we didn’t realize that the magnesium in the water supply had anything to do with it, and when we ran out and couldn’t find more magnesium oxide locally we switched to calcium carbonate (too much calcium will lower magnesium by causing more to go out in the urine and it can also interfere with magnesium absorption) and our son with schizophrenia got sick again and had to go back on medication. We didn’t have a clue at the time why.
Well after a couple more years David started getting one cold after another. I think his magnesium supplies were finally getting so low as to cause symptoms, plus I think the vegan diet we were on without taking any supplements was lowering his zinc, which also affected his immunity and I think also caused his leaky gut. (The meat in the GAPS diet is a good source of zinc. A vegan diet is low in zinc.)
Then he got mononucleosis. They have done studies and people with acute mono high higher levels of magnesium and zinc in their blood and I think that drains the magnesium and zinc. That’s when David’s fatigue started. The methylation cycle really uses a lot of magnesium, and he didn’t have enough. So if you imagine a reaction with 3 ingredients: an enzyme, folate and magnesium and the amount of magnesium is very low. This magnesium is used in hundreds of reactions in the body and because of David’s genetics, when all his reactions are affected, he gets symptoms of low methylation first from low magnesium. After a year and a half of staying more or less the same he started taking a lot of methyl folate and he felt much better right away because it sped up is methylation cycle. But forcing his body to methylate more used more magnesium and his stores started getting even lower. (About 55% or our magnesium is stored in our bones, and about 1/3 of that can be taken out when the supply for the other cells is low. A person doesn’t get symptoms until the bone storage gets low. This is why it takes years to develop symptoms after changing the amount of magnesium that a person is taking in. After about a month of taking methyl folate David started having symptoms of depression, feeling that everything was futile, but we didn’t know about that until he told us later when his symptoms got much worse.
So if a person is having symptoms due to magnesium deficiency, they can improve their symptoms by taking other cofactors in the metabolic pathways, but that will drain more magnesium and cause new symptoms to appear instead of the old ones. I was chasing all these metabolic pathways giving the other cofactors and it would help for a few days, but I wasn’t addressing the underlying cause so it didn’t work for long each time. Even giving huge amounts of magnesium wasn’t working completely until we stopped giving him the other cofactors and just let his body regulate it all. We are still giving some minerals and vitamin C, though. It still hasn’t been long enough to tell for sure, but I will post again here next week and update.
So my final point is that when a person is having problems, it is probably wise to supplement magnesium first for a while in amounts spread out through the day, and not quite enough to cause diarrhea, and then if that doesn’t help, or if it doesn’t help enough, then add other vitamins to support methylation, etc. If a person is already taking other vitamins, then they can start taking extra magnesium first, and it that doesn’t help, they should try lowering the amounts of the other vitamins down to nothing over a period of 3-4 days (to give the body time to adjust enzymes) and then after a few days without other vitamins, gradually raise them back up. This is what we are doing.
Another important point is to be aware of the mineral content of your water supply. If you drink bottled, softened or neutralized water, you may not be getting enough magnesium. Caffeine and too much calcium can also drain magnesium.
P.S. Our son with schizophrenia is doing well again! I am not saying that magnesium deficiency is the only thing that causes schizophrenia, but that it can be an important ingredient in the mix. The person also has to have a genetic problem with the mechanism that slows down dopamine production when dopamine levels get high in the body, and in my son’s case he also probably also has candida overgrowth making a lot of acetaldehyde. It’s interesting to note that the start of his schizophrenia symptoms came exactly when he had mono (the magnesium drainer).
I have an article on magnesium and its value also here at my site. It is a powerful mineral and involved in over 200 different processes in the body.
Hi Kim,
I’m wondering how your kids are doing now?
I ask, because it seems to me that taking niacin, and especially niacinamide, would seriously increase histamine levels because they’re methyl-acceptors, or ‘methyl sponges’, and thus deplete SAMe, which one needs to degrade histamine via the histamine N-methyltransferase pathway.
Hope to hear an update and hope everyone is improving.